Your PMU and Beauty Business Besties

Eyeliner Tattooing Safety

Uncategorized Apr 01, 2024

The surging interest in eyeliner tattoos has propelled the need for heightened awareness and emphasis on safety concerns and best practices within the beauty industry. As individuals increasingly seek the convenience and allure of permanent eyeliner, ensuring the safety of the procedure becomes paramount.

Clients are likely to conduct thorough research, making safety-related queries a prevalent aspect of their search for information. Eyeliner tattooing involves delicate areas around the eyes, necessitating meticulous attention to safety protocols. Professionals in the field must prioritize hygiene, utilizing sterile equipment and maintaining a sterile environment to prevent the risk of infections.

Best practices in eyeliner tattooing safety also include thorough client consultations, where potential allergies and sensitivities are assessed. Patch tests can be crucial to identify any adverse reactions to pigments or anesthetics. Adhering to strict hygiene standards, such as using...

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LipBlushing Should be Your Main MoneyMaker in 2024

Uncategorized Mar 04, 2024

Lip blush, a transformative technique in the realm of permanent makeup, has gained immense popularity among clients for several compelling reasons, making it a must-master skill for students in 2024. Clients are drawn to lip blush for its ability to enhance and redefine lip color, providing a subtle yet impactful enhancement to their natural beauty.

The allure of lip blush lies in its capacity to create a soft and natural tint, offering a more defined lip contour without the starkness often associated with traditional lipstick. Many clients seek this technique to achieve a fresh and youthful appearance, as lip blush enhances the overall symmetry of the face and brings attention to the lips.

In an era where convenience is valued, lip blush proves to be a time-saving solution for clients who desire a long-lasting lip color without the need for constant reapplication. This low-maintenance benefit is particularly appealing to individuals with active lifestyles or those who prefer a...

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Why is Nano more popular than Microblading in 2024?

Uncategorized Feb 05, 2024

In the dynamic world of permanent makeup, the beauty industry is witnessing a significant shift in preference from traditional microblading to the innovative technique of nano strokes in 2024. This transition is propelled by a desire for more refined and natural-looking results.

Nano strokes, a cutting-edge method, involve using ultra-fine needles to create incredibly precise and fine hair-like strokes. Unlike microblading, which can sometimes result in bolder, more noticeable lines, nano strokes provide a subtler and more realistic appearance. This level of precision allows for meticulous detailing, ensuring that the final outcome closely mimics the natural growth pattern of individual brow hairs.

Another driving force behind the surge in nano strokes is the reduced trauma to the skin. The finer needles used in nano strokes are gentler, causing less discomfort and minimizing the potential for scarring or irritation. This makes the procedure more...

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Microblading Aftercare 2024

Uncategorized Jan 22, 2024

Microblading aftercare is a crucial aspect of ensuring the best results for your new brows. Following a meticulous aftercare routine contributes significantly to the success of the microblading process. One key element of this regimen is the gentle patting of the brows for about an hour after the procedure. This practice helps maintain scabbing at a minimum, ensuring a lighter and thinner healing process.

When it comes to cleansing, using a facial wash with no active ingredients is paramount. Personally, I recommend Cerave for its gentle yet effective properties. Wash your brows morning and night with a delicate touch, ensuring you cleanse without causing any irritation. The goal is to keep the area clean while allowing the skin to breathe and heal naturally.

The application of ointment is another crucial step in the aftercare routine. Using the provided ointment three times a day for the initial three days post-service is recommended. Opt for a burn gel, applying a small amount,...

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What to Know Before You Choose a Trainer


I recently spoke with my colleagues at the American Academy of Micropigmentation on their podcast PMU School to discuss what I would look for in or ask a potential Permanent Makeup Educator before forking over the thousands required for a class!

Too often, I hear students wanting ADDITIONAL fundamentals education after having already spent $3-5,000 on their FIRST training where they feel "ripped off" or as though they were less than proficiently educated. 

Unfortunately, theres nothing I can do to get your money back from the other trainer. All I can do is give you the questions to ask to ensure you're investing in a quality educational program - even if thats not with The Microblading Institute.

To hear the full podcast episode click here!

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Not A House of Cards

When I first began my career as a permanent makeup artist, I'll be honest. I had NO IDEA what I was doing. I rented a little room from a friend in her salon and ordered some supplies. No formal lease, no insurance, so bookkeeping system... I don't even think I had a business license before I began working. 

I had no idea that using my personal checking account rather than a business account voided the protections of an LLC. I had an LLC but never filed for the EIN, lmao! Wowww.

Listen, I have compiled all of this info for you, for free!
Grab your copy here and make sure your foundation is sound before you begin building and scaling a business that could be as flimsy as a house of cards.

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Looking for all the best beauty side hustles? 

Perhaps you are really artistic and have a real interest in helping make people more beautiful. Or maybe you are already working in the beauty industry and want to make a little extra on the side.

Either way, I am here to help you with the best beauty side hustle that suits your skills and interests! 

Do you spend time crawling through Instagram and Tik Tok for the next big thing in beauty trends? Why not turn your hobby into a beauty side hustle? In this article, I will cover 11 of the most profitable and not profitable beauty side hustles. 

Beauty "Side Hustles" (or additional specialities) You Can Start Right Now

  1. Laser Hair Removal (requires medical partner)
  2. Botox (requires medical partner)
  3. Lip Filler (requires medical partner)
  4. Hair Tinsel
  5. Special Events Makeup
  6. Nails
  7. Tanning
  8. Bead Extensions
  9. Glue in Extensions
  10. Hand Tied Extensions
  11. Microblading
  12. Permanent Eyeliner
  13. Lip Blushing
  14. Reiki
  15. Cupping
  16. Acupuncture
  17. ...
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So you created a set of brows and they looked GORGEOUS! You were so happy. The client was SO happy! You took the photo, created the before and after, and proudly slapped your logo on it! She swore to tell everyone how much she loves her brows and refer them all to you.
8 weeks later she returns for a touchup and.... they're grey! They're blue. They look COLD, theres no warmth left in the brow at all. 

For this reason, I created a 3 part IG tv series explaining some of the most common factors at play IG series 

For even more support, consider 1:1 advanced training or customized mentorship with The Microblading Institute <3 

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Lets Grow! Scale that Beauty Business!

Okay - 

I'll be honest. I didn't do it alone. I had help.
It was hard work, but I employed help for sure.

When I first started out, I had an esthetics license, a comical body art license, a one-room lease, and little else. I needed a lot of help. I had no clue where to start. I was on the hamster wheel: I need to buy another course to make better before and afters to get new clients for more revenue to buy another course to make better before and afters to get new clients for more revenue to buy another course to make better before and afters to get new clients for more revenue to .... you get it. 

That cycle was doing two things: 1. Giving me imposter 
syndrome 2. Running me BROKE!  For 2 years it went on this way. I didn't have any business education to speak of. I didn't know my numbers, I didn't have a business bank account or know how to pay myself, I was terrified of owing taxes because I wasn't even profitable... It was a nightmare. My poor...

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Hey! Okay - so you're looking to add some additional services to generate more revenue this year?! I've got you, sister!

First -- let me just say, if you're a new beauty business, start with my FREE beauty business guide!

Next - If you're already generating income in your beauty business, lets see how much of it you're actually keeping. Lets find more ways to keep the cash you're already earning. This one isnt free, but its so cheap. Literally like $20 or so. You'll take a deep look at your current streams of revenue and where the cash flow is going. We'll also look at common deductions and strategies to pay out less. Let your money work for you! Not you work more for your money!

Now that we've covered the basics: lets talk side hustles and add-ons! First, you have to know this is SALES. You have to get skilled at sales. Read up on it. Create your repeatable sales process to market yourself, more on that here. You'll need to decide what fits in...

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