Your PMU and Beauty Business Besties


Uncategorized Jan 12, 2022

Education is a life long pursuit - but is it time to add to your skillset? Maybe you took your initial microblading or permanent makeup course, but still have questions. 

Lets be honest, theres not a whole lot more embarrassing then being trained, open for business, sitting with a client, and she asks you a question you straight-out do not know the answer to!

Is there tetracaine in your secondary numbing?
can't I sweat doing healing?
Why did my iron-oxide pigment fade so quickly?
My friend retained so much more than I did.

There are PLENTY of answers out there and it can be difficult to pinpoint which ones are the correct answer for each individual case. I'm a firm believer that no ONE educator can teach you EVERYTHING. You likely didn't have AWFUL training to begin with. You like are just ready to expand your skillset or fundamental knowledge.

Learned microblading, but only one pattern?
Ready to add machine?
Looking for a comprehensive course for lip...

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Why Your Client List Isnt Growing

Are you tired of dumping hundreds of dollars monthly into the Facebook ads budget? Have you hired a marketer for your beauty business who sends you hundreds of COLD leads who ask the same 50 questions: How much? What is this? Where are you located?... and then DOESNT book? Ready for some REAL change ?


You don't need a marketer. You need a repeatable sales process. Something you know you can do over and over again that gives you quality leads and allows you to convert those leads into paying customers! You can't expect clients to just flock to you over and over and over again. You have to go where the clients are and introduce yourself. Gain trust. Prove your value. Then you can ask them to purchase from you. These are now WARM leads. They like you, know you, and trust you.

Essentially, what you need are the 4 following steps:
1. Create valuable content. 
      yes, this means that you actually need to sit down and think about what it is you...

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When I first began my beauty business there was a ton of "gatekeeping" locally in my area. I wasn't even sure how to find colleagues outside of my town... I knew about Facebook groups for permanent makeup, but they were so intimidating! People on those groups can be quick to point out what you've done wrong and be less than supportive.

I wound up following a handful that I found to be positive and supportive. I noticed who they worked with or appeared to be friendly with and followed those folks, too. 

After following for a while, I noticed something important:
The girls that get it, get it. The ones who don't, dont.
what does that even mean?
In THIS circumstance, it means the ones who understood kindness and inclusivity received blessings back. The more they  allowed others into their circle and to sit at their table, the more their network (and net worth) grew. 

As it turns out, when you're not very nice, less people want to be around you, lol! Go figure.

So I took this...

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